Document Type : Original Article


1 phd student

2 Department of Sport Injuries and Corrective Exercises, Sport Sciences Research Institute, Tehran, Iran



Volleyball is one of the most popular sports in the world, but the prevalence of volleyball injuries is high
In this prospective study, 132 teenage boys and girls’ volleyball players with an average age of 15.78 ± 1.83 who competed in the premier league of the province participated. Before the start of the season, the athletes were evaluated by upperY Balance and DAVIS test.and their scores were recorded. All players were followed up for 6 months and their injuries were recorded during this period. Also, the Number of training and competition hours of the players were recorded prospectively.
The results of the Cox regression test showed. There is a significant relationship between the overall score of the upper extremity Y test and the injury rate of volleyball players. An increase of one score in this test increases the incidence of injury by 1% (P < 0.05) (95% confidence interval = 0.01-0.36, Hazard Ratio = 0.06). Also, the results didnt show a significant relationship and correlation between DEVIS test score and injury rate in volleyball players
The results of this research show that Y upper quarter tests can predict the injuries of volleyball players. Therefore, it is recommended to the medical staff, coaches and managers to use these tests in pre-season evaluations to identify players at risk and implement preventive measures.
Keywords: functional tests, volleyball injuries, functional movements, volleyball players


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