Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Physical Education, Faculty of Human Sciences, Technical and Vocational University, Tehran, Iran

2 Islamic Azad University


The purpose of this study was to design a psychological model for cyber aggression among the spectators of the Women's Basketball Premier League. The study sample wa equal to population and has an essay in basketball aggresion that was 25 experts; Out of 26 concepts, 23 concepts were analyzed using SPSS and PLS statistical software and then standard questionnaires whose validity and reliability were confirmed. The study quantitavive sample was about 389 spectators of the Women's Basketball Premier League. Findings of the present study showed that personal, family, socio-economic, postural and neurological photographs were the most important indicators of aggression among basketball Premier League spectators. Finally, Dematel test showed the relationship between variables. Out of 26 concepts, 23 concepts were analyzed using SPSS and PLS statistical software and then standard questionnaires whose validity and reliability were confirmed. The study quantitavive sample was about 389 spectators of the Women's Basketball Premier League. Findings of the present study showed that personal, family, socio-economic, postural and neurological photographs were the most important indicators of aggression among basketball Premier League spectators. Finally, Dematel test showed the relationship between variables. According to the research findings, it can be understood that the socio-economic status of the family, personal characteristics and neurological characteristics can affect the level of aggression of the basketball Premier League spectators.
